Western PA Moto Guzzi National Owners Club
A Chapter of the Moto Guzzi National Owners Club
Welcome to the Member page for Moto Guzzi fans in Western PA - a chapter member of the MGNOC (Moto Guzzi National Owners Club).
The MGNOC supports and cooperates with other chapters in providing thirty or more Moto Guzzi rallies every year. They also help sponsor several smaller gatherings, which provide opportunities to kick tires and to enjoy Moto Guzzi camaraderie.
Are you a Moto Guzzi fan? If so, contact us to get added to our membership list!
Rider Resources
Resources for the Moto Guzzi Enthusiast
To view a listing of national resources, go the "Resources" tab. Resources include a link to the Moto Guzzi National Owners Club site, links to Moto Guzzi's sites in Italy and America, as well as various Moto Guzzi Forums.
Upcoming Events
WPaMGNOC Monthly Meeting & Event Schedule
The Western PA Moto Guzzi National Owners Club Chapter meets the last Wednesday of each month at Zarra's Restaraunt, in addition to other events throughout the year. To view the upcoming schedule of events, go to the "Events" page.